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Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified 

One of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity is that Jesus had died and allowed for the shedding of 
his blood for the sake of granting forgiveness to people. In other words Jesus had died on the cross 
as a sacrifice for our sins. Let us investigate this topic from the Bible, and find out wliethei' Jesus 
:was sent to be crucified or that he wtis ciiicified 

Willingness of Jesus Christ to Die for Onr Sins 1 

Peter and the two sons of Zebedee were with Jesus Christ before the elders of the people and tlie 
chief priests came to take him to crucify him. Jesus ^ this point talked to Peter and the two sons of 
Zebedee as in Matthew 26:38 "Then siUOi he tutto Otem, Afy soul is exeeedmg sorrowftU, even 
unto deaOi: lany ye here, andivatchw&h /rte. "Then Jesus went a little fiirtiier way from them and 
prayed to God as in Matthe^v 26:39 "AndhewentaliUle^fiirOier, andfettonhisfiiee, and pitted, 
string, O my FaOter, (fit be possible, let Otis cup pass Jrom me: nevertheless not as I will, biitas 

".thou wilt 

It is very cleai' from the above verse in Matthew 26:39 that Jesus had no intention of dying. In this 
verse it is shown that Jesus was praying strongly (Mattheiv mentions that Jesus repeated these 
prayer three time) to have this death removed from him. Had Jesus Christ been sent to be crucified 
he would not have hesitated to be killed at all. When I relate this to my Christian brothers, tiiey tell 
me that this hesitation comes from the flesh side of him (in other words he was tempted), and that 
his soul vdiich is godly does not have this hesitation at all. When we look at Matthew 26:38 we see 
that Jesus is contradicting this ideaby s^ing, "Afy soul is exceeding sorrotvfli^ even unto deaOi." 
(MattheH' 26:38). He himself s^s that it really his sou! that is hesitating and not his body. These are 
.Jesus' own words 

:God Answered the prnyn's of Jesus Christ .2 

After Jesus made the above mentioned prayer he ^vas answei^edby God according to Hebrews 5:7 
"WhoinAedt^sofhisJIesh, when be bad offered up prayers and si^plicationsivilh sb-ong 
crying and tears unto him that was able to save bimjrom death, and was beard in Oiat he 
feared " These words clearly show that wdien Jesus was praying strongly to God, God would grant 
him his request. The word "heardinAatheJeared" (Hebrews 5:7) mean that God granted him 
\^4lat he requested. So the above verse ^ows that wiien Jesus asked of God to "let Ais cup pass 
Jrom" (Matthew 26:39) him, God respond to his prayer and saved him from death or crucifixion 

:ThePost Cmcifixion Prophesied Evmts never happened .3 

When the people were asking Jesus Christ if he was going to showtiiem a sign. He replied by 
saying that the only sign that they should expect is the sign of Jonas. Jesus also made sure to specify 

ludiat exactly tiiis sign was. The details are shown in the following verses 

I qf^e scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying. Master, v 

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas rvtis&ireedi^s and Siree nights in &ie whale's belly; so shall the 
.Son ofnum. be Oiree days and Oiree nights in the heari of &ie earth 

Jesus here emphasized what will h^pen to him by specifically saying that he will be like Jonas in 
tenns of the number of days and nights he will be in the heart of the earth, " For as Jonas wtis 
^ree dt^s and dtree H^hb in die whale's belfy; so shall Ihe Son oXnian be three dt^s aud three 
.nights in die heari of die ear^." (Maltheiv 12:40). Noivletus see if this prophecy came to pass 

Jesus was ciiicified on Friday, this is certainly known among all Christians, and that is the reason 
for calling that Fridf^ by "Good Friday". Jesus was biuied on Friday night. Now let us start 
: counting 

.Friday night Jesus was buried This is night niunber 1.1 
.Satiu^ay day Jesus was still in the grave. This is day number 1.2 
.Satiu^ay night Jesus was still in the grave. This isnight number 2.3 

nrly in die momiitg diejirstd/iy of die week, diey catne lutto die sepulchre 
y die sione front die door of 

.Mark 16A And when dtey looked, they saw diat the stone was rolled away: Jor it was very great 

Malic 16 .5 And entering into die sepiUclire, dtey saw a young man sitting on die right side, 
.clodted in a long white gfimteitt; and diey were affrighted 

Thenumber of days andnights that Jesus had spent in the heart of the earth is 1 day and 2 nights. 
This clearly challenges udiat Jesus had prophesied When I tell this to my Christian brothers, some 
of them responded by saying that »4iat Jesus wanted to really s^ was that he will be gone for a 
while, and not that he will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. This is clearly 
not the case. Had Jesus meant that, he would have said it, but it is clear that he wanted the people to 
knoiv that this H'as a sign (miracle) and that it will be like Joans' sign, and that he will be in the 
.heart of the earth for three days and ftree nights. These -were his own words 

?'Wliy Would Jesns Have to Die on the Cross 

According to the Christian doctrine, Jesus died onttie cross as a sacrifice for our sins. The ideahere 
is that every human is bom with sins, or that all humans will sin, and tiierefore it tvas necessary that 
someone as pure as Jesus would be the crucified to nullify these sins. The question is; vAy does 
anyone have to die for our sins vi4ien God, the All-Mercifiil, could as easily give us foigiveness if 
we ask for it? Isnt God the one wto makes the rules? Why does He have to make someone suffer 
for our sins or for someone else's sins? Isnt that unjust of Him? According to the Bible the vi^ to 

Iredemption could be obtained without the need for sacrifice. The Bible says 

Ezekiel 18:20 The sotU Otat suuuOt, UshaUiHt. Ttte son shatt not bear ^e iniquity of OiefiOher, 
tieWter shall ^efi^er bear ^emiqidty of Ae sou: Oie righteouvuess of ^e righteous shall be 
.upon hiui, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him 

Clearly the soul that sins shall die. Clearly that no one shall bear the iniquity (sins) of others. So 
Jesus cannot bear the sins of others either. If one is righteous then it shall be upon him, and if one 
commits a sin then it shall be upon him, and not on Jesus. Finally, the way to repentance and 
.foigiveness is by turning fiom all sins, doing wiiat is right, and keeping the commandments 

Also we see the same message given by Solomon. He says in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Let 
us hear &ie concbisioH of ^e whole nuUter: Fear God, and keep his eomntaudmenti: for this is 
the whole duty of man. " This is the wiiole message, and this is the conclusion of messages. It is 
.that one should fear God, and keep the commandments, and nothing else 

Again in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If n^ people, which are caUedbyn^name, ^all humble themselves, 
audpray, and seekmyfice, and turn fiom Aeir wicked ways; ffien will I bear fivm heaven, and 

will forgive &eir sin, andwUl heal &eir land" This clearly states that to seek forgiveness from 
.God we have to humble ourselves, pray and seek God, and turn aivay from ^ckedness 

Finally the Bible s^s in Samuel 15:22 "And Samuel said, HaOi the LORD as great delight in 
burnt offerings and sacryices, as in obeying Ae voice of die LORD? Behold, to obey is better 
^ansacryice, and to hearken than Ae^fiit of ra^^" This clearly states that obeying God is better 
that sacrifice wiietiier this sacrifice is of objects, animals, or humans, or any otiier type. What God 
likes is for us to heed and obey Him, and if that is what God likes then it is not of Him to come later 
and change his mind, and change his wf^s. God says in the Holy Qiu^an, "Verity God isAH- 
.{EnowMg, All-Wise" (Ch 9: Vr 28 

Now that we have seen this. Christians say that Jesus has changed some of these laws. Let's look at 
what Jesus says. In Matthew 5:17 "Ulinknotdlatlamcome todesAvythe taw, or die propheb: I 
am not et^ae to destroy, buttofiUfll" Jesas clearly states that he was not sent to abolish the law, 
&e law of Hliich had already existed. So what is mentioned above cannot be discounted. Then Jesus 
continues to say, in Matthew 5:18 and 19 "For verify I say nnio you. Till heaven and earth pass, 
one Jot or one tUtle shall in no wise passjrom Sie law, till all befiiljilled Whosoever Oterefore 
shM break one of these least eommandutents, and shall teach men so, he ^all be called die least 
in the kingdom of heaven: but n^iosoever shall do tmd teach Oiem, the sante ^all be called great 
in the kingdom of heaven, " Jesus here states that not even as much as a dot (tittle) shall not pass 
from the law. Every thing is kept the way it was. That is wliy the previous laivs cannot be removed 

"be shall be called Ae least in Ae